Underrail is an old school turn-based isometric indie role playing game that focuses on exploration and combat. The game is set in a distant future, when the life on the Earth’s surface has long since been made impossible and the remnants of humanity now dwell in the Underrail, a vast system of metro station-states th... Read More.
Hidden Through Time is a game of hide and seek with objects scattered throughout the wonderful history of our world. Use cryptic hints to discover every secret as you explore the colorful hand-drawn levels. Find enough objects to advance to the next stage, and make your way through all four great ages.Still desire more or wish to unleash your creativity? Our map ed...
The critically acclaimed Prince of Persia® franchise returns for the first time on next-generation platforms with an all-new epic journey. Built by the same award-winning Ubisoft Montreal studio that created Assassin's Creed™, Prince of Persia has been in development for over three years to deliver a whole new action-adventure gaming...Prince of Persia for PC Ga...
Use sword and spell combos to slash and blast through hordes of attacking enemies! Guard break a boss’s defenses, find an opening, then obliterate them for good with a well-placed super deadly attack!FeaturesSatisfying side scrolling action gameplay infused with classic fighting game elements…including input commands for special attack, guard, guard break, refl...
Football Manager 2012 (abbreviated to FM12) is a football management-simulation video game. FM12 features similar game-play to that of the Football Manager series. Game-play consists of taking charge of a professional association football team, as the team manager. Players can sign football players to contracts, manage finances for the club, and give team talks to...
Rayman Legends is a platform video game developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft. The game carries on the style of gameplay from Rayman Origins in which up to four players (depending on the format) simultaneously make their way through various levels. Lums can be collected by touching them, defeating enemies, or freeing captured Teensies. Collectin...